mardi 15 juin 2010

Parc Forestier et Zoologique de Hann

I had a really good time the other day at Parc Hann here in Dakar. It’s a zoo / forest preserve that not only has lots of animals to see but also some walking paths through natural settings. It was refreshing to see this in a city where this kind of stuff is hard to come by.

I was surprised to see how close I could actually be to these animals. It wasn’t at all like the zoos in the US where you are kept at a (safe) distance. There was a pretty personable Chimpanzee that was giving out high-fives through the bars of his cage and wouldn’t turn down anything that was handed to him.

The camel was the most friendly. Sorry dude, I don’t kiss on the first date.

If any of you have read The Little Prince, there's a pretty cool bit on Baobab trees. It turns out they're all over Senegal. There are quite a few in the city but I’ve heard that I’ll see tons when I travel to more rural areas. They are usually big and fat at the bottom and taper off towards the top. Baobabs are enormous and have these weird branches that kind of look like a system of arteries. There’s a joke here in Senegal that every Baobab was planted upside-down; what you see are the roots and there’s a really beautiful tree hiding somewhere below the ground.

2 commentaires:

  1. les baobabs! ils resemblent à un "fractile" la repetition des branches en diminuant... (mon francais est nul) mais, sit, j'imagine que c'est tellement magnifique! et avec tes cheveux tu resembles au petit prince toi-même. (aussi avec le même grand coeur que le petit prince!)

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