lundi 24 mai 2010

Un petit coup de soleil. C'est pas grave.

I spent most of today getting a sunburn at the beach. I had a good time getting it – a small price to pay for all the cool stuff I saw. Before I went, I had to clear up some confusion with some of the kids on my block. Just to set the record straight and show them that Americans really do suck at soccer.

Coastline at Yoff Beach:

Galloping horses. Beaches. Fabio, is that you?

Wrestling is pretty popular here, even more popular than Soccer. The Senagalese style is really cool and unique. Someone told me today that the wrestlers don't really rely on strength to win. What's more important is speed and agility. It's usually really skinny and tall guys (but strong) that are the best. Once your opponent loses balance and falls, its over. So these usually last only a couple minutes at most.

So this goes on at the beach all the time. My friend Emma (left) challenged this guy who was winning a lot. He got creamed.

No hard feelings. The dude invited us to eat some fish with him and some buddies the top of the beach afterwards. Keep in mind this stuff was caught minutes before on that very beach. Think about all the stuff us Americans do to eat from local sources... These guys would have to put forth a serious effort to do anything but that.

It was pretty apparent to me that these guys do this all day/every day. [(Wrestle, fish, cook, sleep) x Infinity]

1 commentaire:

  1. Salut mec, I mean Mack. Sorry we didn't get to speka before you left. I would like to put you in touch with some friends over there. Do you have a cell or a number I can call? If you get a chance shoot me an e-mail and let me know where you are staying, I will give you directions to Abubakar's place and you can get a haircut. Jamm ak jamm.
